If you’re in a one-on-1 phone call with a customer or in a conference with several participants it is crucial to take notes to keep in mind the details discussed. It isn’t easy to remember details or keep track of meetings if you’re incapable of taking notes effectively. This article will assist you in improving your note-taking skills so that you can attend more efficient and organized meetings in the near future.
Choose a method to take notes that is suitable for you. There are many methods you can try like the Cornell method that divides notes into two columns one on the left and the one on the right. The idea is that the smaller column highlights key ideas from the meeting while the larger column goes into the finer details of each. Then, you can add a summary at the end of the sheet to tie everything in.
Keep it simple. You can easily get caught up in the details of making notes. However, you must concentrate on what is important to ensure that your notes are useful to people who will read them later. Do www.boardroomschool.com/the-best-practices-for-supporting-remote-workers/ not copy and paste your notes verbatim and instead use shorthand or symbols that will be easily identifiable when you look over your notes later on.
Ideally, your group should be able to communicate the agenda for the meeting ahead of time to allow you to prepare an outline prior to the meeting. This will eliminate the trouble of recording key points in the meeting and help you stay on track throughout the discussion.