You realize that you didn’t finish your board’s report the day prior to your meeting. You’ve got three rambling pages of all your findings from the previous meeting, and you’re in need of the input of other staff members to wrap your report prior to the meeting. But you’re worried that if your board members see that it’s not finished they won’t be able to allow it the time it deserves at the time of the meeting.
The writing of a report for your board will aid your board in making informed decisions about your business or company. To accomplish this, they should have the how to write a board report right information available at the right time therefore, you should anticipate their concerns. You must have the relevant information prepared, whether they are asking about the past performance or the future prospects.
Include the most important metrics you have agreed upon with your board. These can be financial or not like new signups for users hiring rates, information about the product or patent applications. It is important to provide context and background to these numbers. Utilizing charts or graphs can aid your audience in understanding of the numbers quickly. It is essential to communicate both sides of the story when it comes down to the risk or success of your company. A single-minded view can impact the board’s decisions and lead them to make poor decisions that can harm your business.
Last but not least, proofread your document thoroughly. Nothing could upset your board members more than a grammatical or other mistake. It is recommended to have someone who can proofread your report, and/or use a grammar checker software to identify any errors before you send it.