Stockholders, lending institutions, creditors, board members, and private investors-often need assurance that the financial statements accurately represent the true financial position of a company. You have enough to worry about running a business, let us worry about the numbers for you. It is important for management to have an accurate set of financial reports available to review before making crucial decisions. Our third best CPA near Phoenix Arizona is Price Kong Certified Public Accountant.
- An accountant may charge an hourly rate when a company or individual needs their services on a short-term basis, such as when performing an audit or requesting assistance setting up a financial database or process.
- A company’s customers, employees, marketing plan, competitors and taxation liabilities are integral elements of the business and need to be given the attention they deserve.
- You won’t get a hastily prepared talk, you’ll get pro-active advice and shrewd financial analysis that will help you build a more tax efficient and profitable business.
- Our expert bookkeepers have experience and expertise to help your business grow.
All other marks contained herein are the property of their respective owners. Forensic accountants investigate financial crimes involving fraud, embezzlement and other issues. They often work closely with law enforcement and lawyers, and they can help determine the legality of financial activities, according to the BLS. You can also ask an accountant to provide proof of their license and credentials. We stay up-to-date on all the regulatory and legislative developments so you don’t waste time and energy trying to make sense of all the accounting complexities.
#1 CPA Near Phoenix Arizona- Whyte CPA Tax and Accounting
CPAs are also eligible to represent clients before the IRS if audit support is required, while a non-CPA accountant is not. Academic background, years in the field and professional reputation all can affect an accountant’s rates. Accountants are financial professionals who have received an accounting degree from a four-year university or college. By trade, accountants prepare, maintain and examine the financial statements of an individual, business or institution. An accountant prepares reports for tax purposes and can also perform audits of public companies. Instead of handling your business finances, bookkeeping, tax preparation, tax filing, and even data entry tasks, you should leave these responsibilities to professional bookkeeping services in Scottsdale AZ.
He is a great person to work with, would totally recommend his work to friends and Family. Executive level financial experience & knowledge is difficult for most entrepreneurs, we’ll serve as your CFO. We record all of your business-related transactions using a real-time bank feed.
Customer Reviews
We would love to earn your business, so here’s a free guide of the most common strategies we use to drastically reduce your business taxes. We prepare and file business taxes with a focus on identifying ways to keep more of what you earn. See more reviews, compare prices, and hire your favorite pros all with Thumbtack. Our work includes a review of internal controls, testing of selected transactions, and communication with third parties. Based on our findings, we issue a report on whether the financial statements are fairly stated and free of material misstatements. We approach all our business and consulting engagements like an upside down triangle.
Chandler Arizona
We provide high levels of business bookkeeping so your financials are perfect & always up to date. At Foster Financial, we make sure that your business bookkeeping matters are running smoothly and you will be able to focus on your business productivity. Feel free to contact us today and let us handle your small business bookkeeping requirements. We follow generally accepted accounting principles, as well as local and federal tax guidelines.
Brian Marino has a handful of Google reviews and seems to take good care of customers. We recommend that you work with a Phoenix based CPA Tax Accountant that will provide leadership to actually help your business achieve a more profitable and scalable future. Small businesses can run a more lean operation when they select a CPA firm that serves more as an outsourced accounting firm, rather than just a compliance based CPA.
An accountant may charge an hourly rate when a company or individual needs their services on a short-term basis, such as when performing an audit or requesting assistance setting up a financial database or process. Hourly rates can range as widely as $40 per hour to $300 or more per hour, depending on your geographic location and the accountant. Check out the average hourly rate for accounting services in your region. If you’re looking for the best certified public accountant near Phoenix Arizona, we’d like to introduce ourselves. We are Whyte CPA Tax and Accounting, and we’re a Phoenix CPA Accountant that focuses on small businesses, their owners, and helping them with their tax returns, bookkeeping, accounting and tax reduction planning.
Never Waste Staff Time or Overpay in Taxes Again.
KC Accounting was formed to help the self-employed and small business owners free up their time and unload non-revenue generating task from their very busy schedules. Our clients tell us that after a long day on the job they still have to head home and work on their financials so they can stay fiscally healthy and keep their business running smoothly. It is a very important part of running a successful business but it is not their specialty, and it takes away a lot of time they want to spend with their families. Our team invests in ongoing education to stay ahead of the latest tax regulations and projected industry changes. We treat every account as if it were our own, with the attention and accuracy your business needs to succeed. An audit is a methodical review and objective examination of the financial statements, including the verification of specific information as determined by the auditor or as established by general practice.
In short, we handle tasks, support managers, and keep financial information timely. On average, individual tax preparation services cost $242, and prices typically range from $137- $454. However, many factors can impact how much an accountant will charge you for tax assistance. For an accurate price estimate, request quotes from several certified public accountants (CPAs) near you. Accountants’ rates vary based on their education, licenses, experience, and the work for which they are being hired.